Febreze GainOriginal Heavy Traffic Carpet Foam

Febreze GainOriginal Heavy Traffic Carpet Foam

Model No. 1439

Revitalize well-used areas and enliven your living spaces with the scent-lifting, dirt-defying power of Febreze Gain Original Heavy Traffic® Carpet Foam.

Carpet and rugsrefresh
ScentFebreze Gain
Future stainresistant
Size22 oz

Unlock freshness and freedom from dirt

Use before deep cleaning to remove more dirt than vacuuming alone, ensuring your carpets look and feel fresh. Say goodbye to dirt and grime and hello to revitalized carpets.

Febreze Gain Original Heavy Traffic Carpet Foam being sprayed onto carpet.

Defend fibers and get rid of odors

This formula not only cleans but also has StainProtect® Technology to protect carpet fibers against future spills and stains, while eliminating pet, tobacco, and lingering cooking smells.


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Embrace irresistible freshness

Immerse your home in the delightful scent of Gain, invoking a sense of cleanliness that refreshes every corner. Fight back against even the most stubborn odors with this high-performing cleaning solution.

Luxuriously soft without the residue

Leave carpets soft, not sticky. Relish the comfort of knowing that your carpet is both clean and residue-free. Plus, with this quick-drying formula, you can get results sooner rather than later.

Febreze Gain Original Heavy Traffic Carpet Foam on carpet.

FEBREZE and GAIN are used under license from The Procter & Gamble Company or its affiliates.

Maintenance and Manuals for Febreze Gain Original Heavy Traffic Carpet Foam

Learn more about this product, including set up, use, and maintenance for best results.

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