BISSELL Partners with Junior Achievement to Help Young People Succeed
BISSELL Partners with Junior Achievement to Help Young People Succeed
BISSELL is proud to support both local and international community involvement. Right in our own backyard we are actively supporting some great organizations such as United Way, Junior Achievement, and Ronald McDonald House. On a national level we are proud to be a part of the BISSELL Pet Foundation, Partners for Pets and many more.

Junior Achievement (Grand Rapids) and BISSELL have a long and productive history. BISSELL was one of the companies that brought Junior Achievement to Grand Rapids in 1955 and has provided board leadership for most of the years since.
The Junior Achievement West Michigan Business Hall of Fame is West Michigan’s signature business gala recognizing the significant business accomplishments of West Michigan executives. BISSELL founders, Melville and Anna Bissell, were both inducted into the Business Hall of Fame in 1990 and John Bissell was inducted in 2001.
Junior Achievement of Grand Rapids has grown into Junior Achievement of the Michigan Great Lakes and now serves, on an annual basis, more than 50,000 young people in over 70 Michigan School Districts in 42 Michigan counties. With the support of companies like BISSELL Junior Achievement of the Michigan Great Lakes has become the 20th largest JA chapter in the United States.
BISSELL is a JA Giving Champion, which is a select group of companies, foundations and individuals who provide significant financial support. Through the years BISSELL employees have spent countless volunteer hours delivering JA programs in the classroom and hosting JA Job Shadows.
BISSELL is proud to partner with Junior Achievement to inspire and prepare Michigan young people to succeed in a global economy.
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